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Handprint 'Grow with Me' T-Shirt

Handprint 'Grow with Me' T-Shirt

Regular price £12.99
Regular price Sale price £12.99
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Please enter the name you'd like on the front here

Please confirm you'd like the year "2036" on the t-shirt for your child starting school in September this year. If you would like an alternative year, please enter it here.

Children grow SO fast, and by the time you blink, they're leaving school! This T-shirt is the perfect keepsake for any child starting school this year.

The front of the T-shirt reads "Class of 20XX" ('2036' for reception starters in 2024), and is personalised in either blue or pink with your child's name!

Any year can be added to these.

The back then displays the school years, from 'Reception' through to 'Year 11', with plenty of space below each word to perfectly place your keepsake handprint for that year.

Each T-shirt is an ADULTS size LARGE, and white in colour.


It is recommended to use fabric paint when adding your handprints. Before doing the handprint, please insert a piece of card/thick paper in between the shirt to prevent the paint pressing through to the other side.

NOTE: Paint is not included.

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